Azzaro Azzaro L'Eau for men - Opinios Reviews

Azzaro L'Eau cologne for Men by Azzaro

9.8 out of 10
20 ratings

Popularity Total Hits: 26896

User Opinions and Reviews

  • Date Added: 12/01/2015
    I'm a big fan of the legendary Azzaro Pour Homme and was thrilled to try this new creation. It has a fresh vibe of the original Azzaro tweaked to our times. I notice the prominent citruses in the opening as it successfully manages to bring a fresh sensation even in the hottest days. The final trail is my favorite with its musky effect is so pleasing. This is now my favorite summer season choice and will be using it heavily.....
     by Walter
  • Date Added: 31/10/2012
    Very comfortable and fresh version of Azzaro pour homme. When it goes to the basenotes, has the spirit of the original with a younger aura.
    Best if used in spring/summer months.
    Top notes remember me another fragrance, maybe one of the 90's...When I made my blind buy of this juice my first impression was an old friend that came to my house.
     by Diego
  • Date Added: 31/10/2012
    Why neutral? Well, original is original and that's that. There is a strange watery echo in this fragrance in the dry-down, not necessarily bad. Citruses are mildly felt only in the initial moments after spraying but all in all this scent is too similar at one point to the original, at the other point it is way similar to the Cerruti 1881. So, all in all not bad, classic scent in the spirit of the 1980's but also unnecessary and I find it quite doubtful that it'll be noticed or get a lot of attention.
     by Anonymous
  • Date Added: 31/10/2012
    An interesting relaunch of the great classic that now is sharper (starring is the grapefrut/citrus/geranium accord), less spicy, more lemony (the yuzu is notable), less aromatic and with that final tart/metallic/watery modern approach that turns out slightly soapy (in the sense of opaque/neutral/toilette kind). The yuzu and grapefruit combination imprints a more fresh concreteness that is anyway bright, almost transparent but even herbal and with a slightly bitter background. A good example of cool and dry woodsiness with a notable final watery virile vetiver. Longevity and projection are in the average.
     by Armando

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