Calvin Klein Eternity Summer 2008 for women - Opinios Reviews

Eternity Summer 2008 perfume for Women by Calvin Klein

7.5 out of 10
6 ratings

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User Opinions and Reviews

  • Date Added: 14/03/2015
    I really enjoy Calvin Klein Eternity Summer 2008 edition. It is a typically relaxed aroma for the summer season. The starting is refreshing, green and dewy. The blossoms bring a delicate punch to the perfume. For me the bamboo, basil, and neroli are the most important and notable elements in the fragrance. It's a delicate and soothing aroma. It calls to mind laundry or fresh sheets. I feel this is the best aroma for a laid-back summer relaxing about with friends.
     by Pearl
  • Date Added: 13/11/2012
    I like the 2008 Eternity Summmer edition. It is a generally comfortable scent for the summer. The opening is fresh, green, and dewy. The flowers add a subtle kick to the fragrance. To me, the bamboo, basil, and neroli are the main attractions in the scent. It's a soft and gentle fragrance. It reminds me of laundry or fresh linen. I didn't detect the musk in this fragrance. I think this is the perfect scent for a casual summer outing with friends.
     by lolly doll
  • Date Added: 13/11/2012
    I simply love this stuff. Eternity Summer is a very watery and cool green floral scent. I love the scent of basil leaves, sweet and a little minty/peppery, They grow wildly in my backyard and I'd always grab bunches and inhale deeply, using them to scent my room. In this scent, I can definitely smell the sweet and crispness of fresh basil leaves together with a living, juicy, watery bamboo note, and a natural touch of light white florals...the description says it's suppose to smell beachy...nope! It's smells like a lush, green garden after a good morning rain. I tend to go for scents like these, CK Truth, Boss Femme and other clean scents that smell like a mixture of fresh air and anything that has to do with mother nature's flora whether greens, woods, trees or flowers. I cannot wait to add this one to my collection. Nice to wear as a daily scent especially in Spring and Summer. It's a light scent with low-medium sillage and medium lasting power, lasts longer when sprayed on clothing and hair.
     by peachy doll
  • Date Added: 13/11/2012
    This is my favorite Eternity. It is a beautiful floral green with average sillage and longevity. It smells like an English Garden. It is fresh and lovely without being too sweet. This is excellent anytime but particularly in the Summer...fresh, not cloying. Find it while it is still out there if you love florals.
     by clara

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