Calvin Klein Obsession Night for men - Opinios Reviews

Obsession Night cologne for Men by Calvin Klein

8.6 out of 10
3 ratings

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User Opinions and Reviews

  • Date Added: 20/03/2015
    Calvin Klein Obsession Night is tasty, completely different to the classic Obsession for men, warmer, much more woody and not as sharp, bearing in mind it's a Calvin Klein fragrance the lasting power is excellent, it projects nicely, I really like this scent. Always keep a bottle for the winter season...
     by John
  • Date Added: 13/11/2012
    This took me in loops. I didn't know what to make of it. Fig? Cream? Suede?? All I could see, was that the scent most definitely coincides with the navy to pale-blue fade on the box. It does carry a night atmosphere, but I wore this today to feel its vibe for the first time. Obsession Night is fresh, yet dark. It also carries a milkiness throughout most of it's duration and I'm sure the musk, patchouli and vanilla is held responsible for that; as well as the black suede not mentioned in the note details. The "milky fig" phase tires out by the time the dry-down is in progress. For a 4 oz bottle, O. Night is pretty lightweight, but somehow it's weight suits the nature of the fragrance.
     by giancarlo
  • Date Added: 13/11/2012
    First of all, don't expect this to bear too much resemblance to the original Obsession, and second, don't be fooled by the addition of the word "night". This stands up as a lovely fragrance in it's own right, and for me it works well as a daytime scent.
    I get a citrussy opening, and then some floral notes, possibly tuberose and magnolia. The amber appears after 20 minutes, and at this point it strikes me as very similar to L'Instant! The sillage is soft, but it's actually quite long-lasting, especially in a warm environment.
    This has been discontinued, but still seems to be easily available on ebay, so if you want to try it, get it while you can!
     by night drop
  • Date Added: 13/11/2012
    Imagine you are at a large boring formal party when suddenly in bounds a noisy flamboyant guest. All heads turn and for a moment the conversation stops to acknowledge this noisy gate-crasher. Some people will continue to look because this inappropriately dressed stranger is somewhat intriguing but most people return to their business (this is a civilised part after all). You look longer than you would like to, caught off-guard by qualities you have not seen before but you quickly turn away because you dislike the type of person that upsets the status-quo for reasons of their own apparent vanity.

    As the evening progresses, you find yourself stealing glances at the uninvited guest. They have settled down and have become the charmer of the party, smiling, flirting, laughing and yet remaining detached and elusive all at the same time.

    Some hours later you step out onto the balcony to study the night. You look up and curse the night-glow of artificial lighting for preventing the beauty of the stars from being truly appreciated. It is at this moment that you realise someone is standing close behind you. You turn to face the intriguing stranger. They stand before you silent, demure, and with the air of someone who knows a valuable secret. How can this be the same 'brash' person from earlier? And then, as if sensing what you are thinking, the guest answers with a seductive smile, "I had to get your attention somehow".
     by dark obseesion

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