Coty Chypre for women - Opinios Reviews

Chypre perfume for Women by Coty

5.9 out of 10
1 ratings

Popularity Total Hits: 22846

User Opinions and Reviews

  • Date Added: 07/08/2015
    Coty Chypre is really amazing.. and therefore devastating to not be found anymore. A perfume of such rare beauty on a class of its own. Its deep dark woody green and mossy such divinity. Why do good thing pass to memory land...
     by Rose
  • Date Added: 05/03/2013
    The scent has lasted forever. I still have about 1/3 ounce left from the last of several bottles I bought in the early 80's. I became obsessed with this fragrance. I researched Coty biography and the fragrance genealogy. I'd spend my last coins saved for lunch before payday to purchase this fragrance if it came back. Nearest to my skin chemistry is Aromatics Elixer. If the fragrance had/has oakmoss, I've been attracted to it, even as a kid.
     by Hana
  • Date Added: 05/03/2013
    I have one of the bottles from the 1988 re-release, and am astounded at how much they go for on e-bay. I love it as a fresh, "green" scent. Whenever I'm in the mood to wear green Coty Chyphre is my go-to fragrance, I love how it is both light and lasting. I hope that Coty brings it back again.
     by Lena
  • Date Added: 04/03/2013
    I finally had the opportunity to sample this long-discontinued fragrance...and it was worth every cent! A wonderful, classic scent, elegant, warm, discreet and a tribute to the original Coty house. Chypre is my overall favorite group, and this truly is the original chypre; a brief citrus-bergamot opening, then into a warm and inviting floral heart made deep and luxurious by the oakmoss and patchouli. The civet is there but briefly and is not overpowering. Truly, truly wonderful!
     by Invanesa

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