Coty Nokomis for women - Opinios Reviews

Nokomis perfume for Women by Coty

9.4 out of 10
20 ratings

Popularity Total Hits: 30516

User Opinions and Reviews

  • Date Added: 07/03/2013
    I'm so happy to see this here. I went through a few bottles of this back in the day. It was powdery, sweet, and warm, a true oriental. I'd say sandalwood was the prominent note, with subtle hints of peach and floral. Although I think of it as a comfort scent, it had sillage. Another one that's been sadly discontinued. I'd buy this in a minute if they brought it back.
     by Suzana
  • Date Added: 07/03/2013
    I remember getting the gift set as a birthday present when it came out. I loved it but never truly appreciated it's beauty and now, it's impossible to find for a reasonable price. This frag was indeed a true oriental and had super longevity and sillage and I remember getting compliments galore from others when I would wear it. I actually miss it dearly and I wish Coty would bring it back. Pleeeease!!!
     by Tashia
  • Date Added: 07/03/2013
    I always liked this perfume. I have gone on ebay and bought it a few times because I can't find it anywhere else. This is the one perfume that my friends always associated with me. The smell is soft and alluring. I bought it on a whim when it first came out. I found it at CVS and the box had to have been mis marked as it was really cheap. I loved it so much I went back and bought the five boxes that were on the shelf at the time. I really wish they would bring this back along with the body wash! I would definately be a long time buyer!
     by Danica

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