Guerlain La Petite Robe Noire EDT for women - Opinios Reviews

La Petite Robe Noire EDT perfume for Women by Guerlain

8.8 out of 10
2 ratings

Popularity Total Hits: 13163

User Opinions and Reviews

  • Date Added: 01/11/2013
    This perfume is amazing! Guerlain La Petite Robe Noire EDT is sweet and stylish, you can quickly identify the cherries. I sprayed this on my arm this morning to try it, and I really have to get a bottle for myself as a special birthday present! It starts out really fresh, a little green and slowly as it reaches the dry down, it becomes slightly spicy. Nearly carries a pink pepper sense to it. Once it totally settles down, it is extremely sweet and musky. It stays on your skin, and lasts wonderfully for an EDT. Just after five hours, the scent is still good on my skin. I absolutely adore that the aroma is steady. I have countless fragrances which are sweet/fruity in the opening and then simply their magic just disappears. This fragrance is better and more fresh in the opening and more spicy in the heart yet keeping its personality. Additionally, it is much longer lasting than the rest of my sweet fragrances, most likely thanks to the musk. Lovely adorable enjoyable!
     by Jillian

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