

Davidoff Designer History:
Swiss enterprise Davidoff is associated with high-class lifestyle. The person directly associated with the brand name is Zino Davidoff. Zino was the first of four children of Jewish tobacco dealers born in Kiev, Ukraine the year 1906. Getting away from the anti-Semitism which had been predominant inside their homeland, his family relocated to Switzerland and set up their tobacco company there. Upon completing school in 1924, he journeyed all around the globe to understand everything in relation to the tobacco industry and in 1930 moved into the head position of the family business and turned it into the worldwide empire of luxurious cigars and products that we all know and appreciate these days.

A person with a remarkable awareness for basic needs, Zino Davidoff comprehended, taking pleasure for the occasion the meaningful point in time, and who actually turned this kind of pleasure into a belief. From the early years of the past century Zino Davidoff's belief has been accepted and really valued. It's the genuine elements in everyday living which cause it to be worthwhile to be in existence.

Along with his amazing sense of humor, Zino Davidoff had a clearly developed sensation for the wonderful elements in lifestyle. He was a great specialist who realized the needs of individuals, and highly regarded them. Who never sacrificed for any reason his goal, to enhance life by way of savoring its fine elements.

Who even as a excellent businessman stayed genuine to himself and to his ideas. Zino Davidoff supported the simple comfort, in the total pleasures of life. Individuals who were acquainted to Davidoff understood this. They appeared from around the globe to promote his beliefs, to take pleasure in his best and finest cigars. They clearly perceived what Zino Davidoff suggested the moment he stated: "Smoke less, but better and longer - make a cult of it, even a philosophy!"

Davidoff Fragrance History:
Besides from appearing and being mostly referred to for its well-known Cuban cigars, Davidoff is also widely known for its aromas. The year 1984, he introduced his first fragrance, Davidoff Classic, and after two years, released an additional aroma, that was branded after him. Probably his most widely recognized men's fragrance, Cool Water, first showed up in 1988 and has since become one of the most popular men's fragrances in the perfume industry. After its wide success the company inevitably developed even more editions of the cologne with variations of the original name including Cool Water Summer Fizz, Cool Water Game and Cool Water Deep. Additional fragrances comprise of Echo and Good Life. Capitalizing on its accomplishment, he introduced Cool Water for Women and shortly after Cool Water Frozen Perfume for Women. The business has also developed a women's variation of the fragrance Good Life. Besides cigars and scents, the Davidoff collection also gives its label to high-quality designed wallets, timepieces, coffee and cognac just to list a couple of them.

See all Fragrances by Davidoff


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