A Corps Cuivre Molinard Private Collection

A Corps Cuivre Molinard Private Collection

Molinard A Corps Cuivré The Essence of Brotherhood.In the world of fragrances, there are scents that are crafted merely for the sake of smelling good, and then there are scents that transcend the olfactory realm to tell heartfelt stories. Molinard, the celebrated perfume house, has recently unveiled its latest creation, A Corps Cuivré, as part of its esteemed Collection Privée. This fragrance isn't just about notes; it's a tribute to the bonds of family, an exploration of legendary materials, and an olfactory journey that captivates the senses.

A Scent of Brotherhood

Célia Lerouge-Bénard, the mastermind behind À Corps Cuivré, embarked on a fragrant odyssey to pay homage to her brother, Clément. Their shared journey, spanning over six years, has been one of unwavering support and unity. À Corps Cuivré is a fragrant testament to the unbreakable bonds of family, a celebration of the indomitable spirit of togetherness.

Rum and Amber: A Harmonious Dance

As you delve into À Corps Cuivré, you'll discover a scent that is hot, stirring, and enveloping. It vibrates with the essence of rum, a note that gracefully adorns the skin of the wearer. It's an olfactory embrace, a loving gaze at the beauty and authenticity of a legendary material in the world of haute perfumery. Much like the harmonious relationship between siblings, this fragrance explores each facet of its composition with care and devotion.

The Heart of Generosity

At the core of À Corps Cuivré lies the generosity of an amber heart. This heart has the unique ability to reconcile desire with refinement, much like the unwavering support of a brother. It exudes warmth, vibrancy, and enveloping richness, leaving a lasting impression that resonates with the soul.

Sustainable Elegance

Maison Molinard presents À Corps Cuivré in an elegant and eco-conscious package. The fragrance is housed in a 90ml bottle and accompanied by a convenient roll-on. What sets it apart is the inclusion of a luxurious purple leather case. But what truly shines is Molinard's commitment to sustainability. The packaging is crafted from 100% recycled cardboard, a material that's not only light and resilient but also infinitely recyclable. This eco-responsible approach aligns perfectly with the values of Molinard.

A Fragrance That Honors the Bonds of Family

In a world where fragrances often tell tales of allure or mystery, À Corps Cuivré stands as a fragrant narrative of love, support, and family. It's a testament to the power of scent to encapsulate emotions and experiences. This fragrance invites you to celebrate the bonds that define you, to explore the facets of your own story, and to do so with elegance and sustainability in mind.

Much like the other offerings in Molinard's esteemed Collection Privée, À Corps Cuivré isn't just a fragrance; it's an embodiment of values, a reflection of family, and a sensory journey that captures the heart. It's a fragrance that lingers not only on your skin but also in your soul.

Molinard La Collection Privee A Corps Cuivre Eau de Parfum
90ml/3.0oz – Price: $165.00

The Private Collection

Return to the sources of perfumery, immerse yourself in its history, at that time when Grasse was a city of tanners and where the flower was mainly used to perfume smelly skin... The Private Collection is first and foremost a tribute to know-how and to the freedom of creation which animate the Maison Molinard established since 1849. Summoning in a single stroke the memory of Grasse and her family, Célia Lerouge-Bénard slipped into each of the six compositions a delicate note of leather like an indelible marker of his legacy.

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