Salem Gothic DS & Durga New Fragrance

14 October, 2023 | Comments (0) | Post your Comment

Salem Gothic DS & Durga New Fragrance

Salem Gothic is where History Meets Haunting Vibes. In the world of fragrance, there are those that transport you to places you've never been and those that take you back to where you belong. DS & Durga's limited edition creation, "Salem Gothic," does both. It's a mesmerizing olfactory journey that combines the rich history of colonial Salem with the enchanting allure of its haunting landscapes. If you've ever felt a kinship with the gothic, the alternative, and the unique, this fragrance is your aromatic anthem.

A Haunting Prelude

Picture it—colonial Salem, with its haunting architecture and many gables. "Salem Gothic" opens with frosty violet and lichen notes that transport you to the old cemetery, where whispers of the past linger in the air. It's a fragrance that defies convention, much like the alternative subcultures it pays homage to.

Magical Hazel Wood

At its heart, "Salem Gothic" is enigmatic hazel wood. This is where the magic happens. It's as if you're walking through an enchanted forest, where every step holds a secret, and every breath is laced with mystery. It's the kind of scent that draws you in, inviting you to explore its depths.

A Hint of the Nautical

But there's more to "Salem Gothic" than meets the eye—or nose. A faint nautical whiff enchants, adding an unexpected layer to this olfactory journey. It's a reminder that Salem's history is not just about witch trials but also tales of the high seas. This fragrance captures that essence, making it as intriguing as it is captivating.

A Perfume for the Alternative Soul

In the words of D.S. himself, "Salem Gothic" is a perfume for all the purple-haired "freaks" who hang out in cemeteries and haunted shipyards but still love their Dunkin' iced coffee. It's a scent that celebrates individuality, non-conformity, and the beauty of embracing one's unique identity.

In the Spirit of DS & Durga

For those who have followed DS & Durga's creations, "Salem Gothic" is a continuation of their tradition of crafting fragrances that tell stories. It's an embodiment of their commitment to pushing the boundaries of scent, taking inspiration from unexpected places, and creating fragrances that are both evocative and deeply personal.

In Conclusion

"Salem Gothic" isn't just a fragrance; it's an experience. It's a journey through time and space, a celebration of the alternative spirit, and a tribute to the haunting beauty of Salem. Whether you're a fan of the unconventional or simply seeking a fragrance that defies the ordinary, "Salem Gothic" beckons you to step into its world, where history and haunting vibes converge in olfactory harmony.

DS&Durga Salem Gothic Eau de Parfum
50ml/1.7oz – Price: $250.00

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